Business & Technology
Central Ohio is ripe with opportunities for graduates with a background in business. No matter what field a student ends up pursuing upon graduation, business education will be relevant. Why wait until you graduate high school to gain that background knowledge and experiences? Business Technologies and Information Technologies courses are elective classes.
Prerequisite: None
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
Graded: Standard Credit: .05
Time Frame: Semester Fees: $0
Personal Financial Literacy covers the individual's financial responsibilities as a student, citizen, family member, consumer, and employee. Topics covered are financial responsibility/decision making, income and careers, taxes, banking, renting, mortgages, money management, consumerism, investing, credit/debt, and risk management/insurance. The class will challenge the student with vocabulary and problem-solving activities.
Prerequisite: Students must apply and be accepted to CSCC
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
Graded: Standard Credit: 0.66
Time Frame: Semester Fees: $0
In this fundamental course students learn the basic contemporary skills needed to effectively compete in a rapidly changing global workplace environment. This course includes online lessons of The Future of Work, Interpersonal Skills, Decision Making, Emotional Intelligence, Working in Teams, Cultural Competence, Additional Success Factors, Digital Literacy, and Career Management.
Prerequisite: School Placement
Grade: 9
Graded: Standard Credit: 1.0
Time Frame: Year Fees: $0
Students learn employability skills and model them by working within various areas of the school. The classwork exposes students to careers and opportunities here at BVHS and beyond. The skills learned in the Career Based Intervention 9 (CBI) program help to prepare students to enter the workforce, military, or pursue higher education.
Note: Students will be scheduled in 2 periods per day for this course.
Prerequisite: Application required. This course is for seniors only. Students must be on track for graduation by August 1st of their senior year. Students must have a job and work at least 60 hours per semester to earn .5 credit. If students lose their employment, they will meet with the work study teacher and their counselor prior to being put back into a full time BV schedule.
Grade: 12
Graded: Standard Credit: * see description below
Time Frame: Semester Fees: $0
This is a course designed for working high school students. Students will earn elective credits for coursework as well as on the job experiences. Classroom instruction is focused on work skills including communication, time management, teamwork, and problem solving. Successful completion of coursework and job work will result in students earning the Ohio Means Jobs Readiness Seal. For work experience, students can earn up to 1 credit for the year, .5 per semester. Must work 60 hours per .5 credits earned (120 hours to earn 1 credit). Must log work hours weekly, with supervisor signature. Must be passing current classes at the semester. Application required.
Coursework credits: .5 credits per semester with a passing grade in the work study class. Graded A-F
Work credits: .5 credits per semester with teacher/supervisor signatures. Graded Pass/Fail
Can earn 1 credit per year for work. Must be enrolled in 4 academic classes at BV, including the academic work study class. Must work 60 hours per semester to earn .5 credit. Must be passing all classes at the end of semester 1.