DACC Programs
ABOUT DACC: The Delaware Area Career Center is an innovative model for developing lifelong learners, quality leaders, and critical thinkers. The Delaware Area Career Center offers programs for high school students to apply learned skills to the workforce and prepare for higher education by earning college credits. Many of our instructors have years of experience in their industry and bring their on-the-job knowledge to the classroom. While the goal of our students is to prepare for their future career, many DACC graduates continue their education at 2 and 4 year colleges to supplement what they learned in high school.
PROGRAMS: The Delaware Area Career Center offers many programs in several career clusters. Most programs are two-year programs with certification in the area upon completion of the program requirements. There are also senior only programs available on a flexible schedule.
DACC works in partnership with high schools in Delaware County and surrounding areas to enhance students' academic learning with hands-on instruction that is focused on each student's area of interest. Most programs are offered at the DACC main Campus, 4565 Columbus Pike, Delaware Ohio 43015. Satellite programs are offered off-site. Please visit the Delaware Area Career Center website for a list and a description of the programs. https://www.delawareareacc.org/o/dacchs/page/programs