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Diploma Seals

In accordance with State law, the Board establishes the criteria for at least one of the local diploma seals outlined in State law. The seals include a method to give, to the extent feasible, a transfer student a proportional amount of credit for any progress made toward completing that seal at the district or school from which the student transfers. The District recognizes a locally defined diploma seal that a student transferring into the District earned at another district regardless of whether the Board has developed local guidelines for that seal.

Diploma Seal Requirements: Students must earn at least 2 seals to graduate, including at least one state seal (*) Designates a State Seal.

Military Enlistment*

A student must provide evidence that they are enlisted in a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces; OR successfully participated in an approved JROTC program for 2 years.


A student must meet at least ONE of three requirements: 1- Earn a score that is at least proficient on an appropriate AP exam; 2-Earn a final course grade that is equivalent to a “B” or higher in an appropriate CCP class; 3- Complete a course offered through the district or school that meets guidelines developed by the Department.

Industry Recognized Credential*

A student must earn a 12-point approved industry recognized credential or group of credentials totaling 12 points in a single career field.

College Ready*

A student must earn remediation-free scores on either the ACT or SAT, as listed below.

ACT English subscore of 18 or higher, Reading subscore of 22 or higher, Math subscore of 22 or higher

SAT Evidence Based Reading and Writing score of 480 or higher, Math score of 530 or higher


A student must meet at least ONE of four requirements: 1- Earn a score of proficient or higher on both the American History and American government end-of-course exam; 2- Earn a score that is at least equivalent to proficient on appropriate AP exam; 3- Earn a final course grade that is equivalent to a “B” or higher in appropriate CCP class; 4- Earn a final course grade of “B” or higher in American History and American government class.

OhioMeans Jobs Readiness*

A student must meet the requirements and criteria established for the readiness seal, including demonstration of work-readiness and professional competencies.

Seal of Biliteracy*

A student must meet ALL three requirements: 1- Demonstrate eligibility for a high school diploma; 2-Demonstrate English Language Arts proficiency; 3- Demonstrate world language proficiency.


A student must meet at least ONE of four requirements: 1- Earn a score of proficient or higher on the biology end-of-course exam; 2- Earn a score that is at least equivalent to proficient on appropriate AP exam; 3- Earn a final course grade that is equivalent to a “B” or higher in appropriate CCP class; 4- Earn a final course grade of “B” or higher in an advanced science class.

Honors Diploma*

A student must earn ONE of five honors diplomas: 1- Academic Honors Diploma; 2- Career-Tech Honors Diploma; 3- STEM Honors Diploma; 4- Arts Honors Diploma; 5- Civics and Social Sciences Honors Diploma.

Community Service 

A student must complete 60 hours of community service during high school in a high-quality community service experience.

Fine and Performing Arts 

A student must earn at least 2 credits of approved fine arts program electives during high school.

Student Engagement

A student must participate in at least 2 Board approved extracurricular activities during high school.